7 Self-Study Tips

There are a number of exams that you will need to study for during the law licensing process. Being able to self-study is an important skill to have. Here are a few tips on how to self-study:

1. Review the Syllabus

Review the syllabus to identify course expectations and determine the required and recommended readings.

2. Create a Realistic Plan

Create a realistic study plan with scheduled time for breaks and revisions. For example, you can decide to study uninterrupted for 25 minutes, review what you studied, take a 5 minute break, rinse and repeat. You may also choose to set aside a day every week to review all that you have learned in that week.

Your plan should be as specific as possible and allow you to complete the required and recommended readings of the course. Ensure you tackle the required readings first before moving on to the recommended readings. If you determine that you do not have the time to read all the recommended readings, you may pick and choose which ones to read for each topic.

Once you have drafted your realistic study plan, stick to it, unless there is something else that you absolutely need to attend to. If for one reason or the other you miss a day, revisit your plan and revise it. Creating a flexible plan will ensure that you do not feel pressured to study when you are unwell or are unable to.

3. Set a Specific Time to Study Daily at a Specific Place

When creating a study plan, determine a set time and place to study everyday. This will eliminate the need to decide on a time or place to study as often as is required. When you set a specific time to study daily, it becomes a habit. This makes it easier to accomplish. If something comes up that makes you unable to study at your set time, you can create time to catch up.

4. Read the Material

While reading the material, highlight and mark concepts flagged in the syllabus. Taking notes while studying is also helpful. It may be worth your while to look up how to take good notes if you don’t know how or if you find that you take excessive notes. You can create a template to take notes in before hand to help you structure your ideas in the best way possible. We all have different ways of learning or assimilating ideas. Find what works for you and implement it.

Mind maps, outlines, charts etc. are all useful ways of presenting information in a way that is accessible and easy to understand. Charts and mind maps are my favourite things to do. I also use mnemonics as often as possible to help me remember better.

5. Review the Material

When studying a course that requires understanding a number of terms, you can use a flashcard app such as Quizlet or Brainscape. There are a number of apps available for iOS and Andriod, pick whichever one you are most comfortable with. Creating mnemonics and consulting them at random times throughout the day can also be helpful for consolidation.

6. Additional Resources

Seek additional resources where necessary. To help me understand certain concepts better, I have searched google, looked up YouTube videos and asked colleagues. I have also looked for textbooks or articles that discuss the topic I would like to learn more about.

7. Practice!

Practice exams are a helpful way of ensuring that you have a good understanding of the concepts. You can also find a lay person (i.e. a family member or friend) and try to explain the concepts you are learning to them.

Additional Tips

  1. Eating healthy meals and snacks does a lot of good.
  2. Factor breaks into your schedule and sleep when it is time to sleep. Your brain needs time to rejuvenate.
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